
Fake Friends, Why You Probably Need Them

fake friends, liers

While most people anticipate having genuine friends in their circle for a lifetime, well, that remains a dream. Everyone wishes to have a friend they can rely on as a confidante, a shoulder to cry on in times of emotional trouble, someone to borrow money from when times are financially tough, and understand them on the spiritual level. Most people who call themselves "your friend" are only around in your life for a particular season. This is the true about the uncertain game called life. As we all wish to have friends who would be there for us no matter what, people come and go unannounced not caring about how you feel and in the end they walk away.

There are people that will walk into your life and call themselves your friend. They may have a sincere will in their heart to be your friend to the very end during the beginning of the friendship. Somewhere along the line mental wires will cross. Something will happen during the course of the friendship, such as an argument, the strength of your finances decreasing, perhaps you're unable to achieve your life goals in a certain time span, or whatever the case may be. Your so-called friend may start secretly judging you because of whatever. Maybe you don't have a college degree. Maybe you don't have the kind of money they have. Or the kinds of luxury cars. People change up on others when they start seeing others not matching up to their silent expectations. While it is a hurtful feeling a friend may turn on you because of secretly judging you for whatever reason, there still are valuable lessons to be learned not just about that person but about life in general.

Have you ever had a friend who secretly judged you because of financial problems, yet they had life issues of their own which prevent them from moving forward in their ambitions? We all have friends who secretly judge us on something. When these people change up on you as a friend, remain humble and kindly walk away. They may start ignoring you for whatever reason. They won't answer your e-mails. They won't call you back when they say they will. They may renege on their word of engaging in an activity with you. These are people who help you pass time and are not genuine friends. These are also the kinds of people where they sit back and watch you progress, then come running back when they see you doing good without them, smiling in your face in trying to speak either direct or through other people. These kinds of people teach you a priceless lesson about life in terms of watching the kinds of people you affiliate with. While it's not a good idea to keep company of fake friends, these kinds of individuals may be your indirect motivation toward starting a business, going the extra mile in your educational endeavors to graduate from college with a bachelors degree, Masters degree, or perhaps a post honorary PhD degree, and subliminally inspire you to seek out a genuine soul-mate to marry. Fake friends have a unique way of positively inspiring someone to be better in unimaginable ways.

If you've ever had a fake friend in your life that walked away from you, don't chase them. They expect you to chase them for their friendship because they feel they are possibly better than you. People potentially walk away because they also want you to purchase their friendship. Do not chase these people that subliminally want you to pay for them the be in your life. They are fake and phony. Maintain your cool by moving forward in life doing what you do and keep a positive mindset. This is true transformation of the heart and character when you do not engage in any outbursts whatsoever towards a person who turned on you who was deemed once upon a time a so-called friend. Let them walk away. They will sit back and silently watch you make wonderful progress and try to speak as I've mentioned previously when they notice things start moving in your favor. They will try to speak to you when least expected and no one is around to see them. They will also try to speak to you if they have a brand-new car thinking you will say something to them because they're riding pretty. Always know your worth, stay humble across the board, and keep doing the transformation work in your heart and soul.


  1. Replies
    1. hey thanks for coming back, glad you liked it!

  2. Great article. I couldn't agree more. I used to be a party girl when I was at university, and I thought I had lots of friends - but I was gravely mistaken. After graduating, things were very tough for me about 2-3 years, and I found these friends to be fake and back-stabbing. Some just walked away; some said "come back when you have more money and want to party again"; some kept stabbing me in the back and letting me down. My male friends all dwindled - it seems that they were only around because they were hoping I would fuck them one day, and when I stopped drinking and doing drugs, the chances of that disappeared. Being lonely sucked, especially since I was also lonely and penniless, so too poor to go out or pursue hobbies. But it did cause me to make life plans and take a good, hard look at myself, and to improve my confidence, burn bridges, cut out toxic people who dragged me down and really start looking after myself. I still have lapses, but I am more confident now than I have EVER been in my entire life - and I am slowly starting to meet new people again. I know now what kinds of people I want as friends, and I don't waste my time on shallow, fake or status-obsessed fools.

    1. thanks for sharing your story. we've all made wrong choices in our lives in the past. learning from those is what counts eventually.
      keep us posted!

    2. hey Dina,
      i haven't head from you in a while. i hope everything's fine. text me whenever you can
